Helekang.com Recycle Program Invites Your Attention!


One of Helekang’s core values is to advocate environment protection and be socially responsible. To take another step to fulfill our mission in this regard, Helekang.com is very proud to announce a new program: to start plastic recycling!

We have been using plastic trays and wraps as packaging for vegetables and fruits to keep freshness and to avoid spoiling other products during delivery. Over the time this can accumulate to be of an environmental concern. As many of you are aware, most of the plastics are not bio-degradable even after thousands of years. Many times in China they are mixed with regular trash and are burned to generate power, generating cancer causing pollutions in the air.

We at Helekang.com would like to start the plastic recycling program. With the support from our members and customers, we should be able to collect the used packages and wrappings, and recycle them for better use. If this program goes well, we will expand to recycle in other categories.

Details for the Helekang.com Recycle Program (HRP):

From now on, all Helekang.com members, customers and their friends can participate in the Helekang.com Recycle Program (HRP). Please save all used plastic trays, wraps and water bottles and we will collect them when we deliver your next order. Please mark the Recycle check box if you would like to participate in this program and note in your order if you would have something for pick up on the delivery for your order.

1. As limited by the delivery personal’s capacity, we are only able to recycle small plastic items today. We may expand in the future to collect recyclable categories and size.

2. This program is by all means ‘At Will’. Helekang.com does not force anyone to participate, and you can terminate your participation any time you want. Initially there is no fee involved and Helekang.com will pay for all the logistics to collect and transport the recycled materials. Should there be any changes in the future we will make a public announcement and notify our members, customers and all people who participate.

3. Please properly prepare the recycled materials. They need to be dry and clean. Please use a string to tie them together for easy transportation. If they are not in the condition to recycle, our delivery personal will reject it.

As the leader in the natural and organic product services in China, Helekang.com is defining its own standard of excellence by advocating environment protection and being socially responsible. We minimize the packaging and recycle, reuse, and reduce our waste wherever and whenever we can. Helekang in Chinese means harmony, happiness, and health. We care for you and the future generations.

We sincerely invite you to join us. Let’s start with baby steps, to Recycle Plastics!

  • Quality:
  • Carefully selected, strictly certified, and freshly picked.
  • Convenience:
  • Directly from farm to home.
  • Environmental:
  • Socially responsible and protect the environment.