Extra Virgin! First Cold Press! Max acidity 0.5%!
Olive oil is the foodstuff most similar in its fatty acid composition to mother’s milk. There is no substitute to olive oil in any other vegetable oil. Its diverse range of characteristics cause it to be required consumption on a daily basis. The optimal amount is 40 ml. per day per adult. Consumption at this level will not cause obesity.
Nutrition Facts
1. Improvement of bowel movements
2. Reduction in area of internal ulcers
3. Increase in secretion of gall bladder fluids and decrease in susceptibility to gall bladder stones
4. Improved blood flow, reduces risk of heart disease
5. Skin softening, reduced risk of skin inflammation, treatment of burns, reduction in dandruff.
6. Delay of cell ageing process
7. Reduction in susceptibility to various types of cancer.
8. Reduction in deterioration of mental processes due to increased age.
9. Reduction in calcium loss.
10. Improvement in growth and development of children.
Cold Press Information
Logically first cold press extra virgin olive oil means that the olive oil has been produced without elevated temperatures. This method of stone grinding and pressing without adding chemicals nor allowing the temperature to rise excessively is ancient and was used already by the Romans and the Greeks who hadn’t of course the means to treat their product any less naturally.
It still remains the most natural and less interfering with the composition of the oil, thus the oil keeps its monounsaturated fats and also keeps in tact other beneficial elements such as the antioxidants and vitamins. This method that hereon will be referred to as “traditional” also guarantees the purest and tastiest product as no other element will interfere with the actual quality of the oil.
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【Exclusive】Israeli Organic Extra Virgin Cold Press Olive Oil (New Batch, 500ml)