The world of the Swiss Alps is a world of wild beauty. Mountain peaks soar more than 4000 meters into the sky. Awe-inspiring glaciers and gigantic rock formations abound. The vivid colors of mountain flowers dot the alpine meadows. The reflection of windswept pine and larch trees shimmer on the blue surface of mountain lakes. Frothy streams rush down mountains. Waterfalls thunder into valleys.
The Swiss Alps are providing SWISSeau with its purity, the strength of its minerals and its outstanding fresh and balanced taste. SWISSeau brings you this unique spring water straight from Switzerland’s alpine highlands. It’s wonderful for drinking and excellent for your health.
With its thousands of streams and rivers, more than 1500 lakes, and over 3000 km2 of glaciers, Switzerland has huge resources of fresh water. Switzerland is often referred to as “Europe’s water reservoir” because its mountains full of snow are the source of some of Europe’s largest rivers. The Rhine and Rhône rivers originate in Switzerland and the Danube and Po rivers get a majority of their water from Switzerland. Their water flows into three seas: the North Sea, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.
Over 70% of our planet is covered by water, but only 0.3% of this wateris drinkable and available to us from streams, rivers, lakes, springs,and groundwater.
But what makes good water? What is the difference between natural mineral water and purified water? How do you know which minerals are good for you? What are the minerals found in most bottled water and what are they good for? These are some of the questions you should consider when selecting the water you drink.
Sanus per aqua - already the Romans knew this slogan. Water is, besides oxygen, the element of live. We cannot exist without it and there is no substitute. Natural mineral water is also the ideal wellness elixir. It is 100% natural, it tastes good, it is refreshing and it energizes your body. It also supplies your body with vital minerals, electrolytes and trace elements. But minerals are not only important for your health - they also make you beautiful. Calcium for example, gives you beautiful hair and fingernails while magnesium is a natural stress and wrinkle killer. So drink plenty of natural mineral water and stay fit and beautiful.
The waters that filter through the peaks around the Southern Swiss Alps follow profound courses through the alpine rock formations and take decades to reach, wholly purified and mineralized, our spring at the bottom of Mount Tamaro in the Southern part of the Swiss Alps. It is here, where SWISSeau Pure Alpine Spring Water is bottled directly at the source in our state-of-the-art production facilities to the highest quality standards available. This natural spring water has been bottled here for decades and generations of people have since enjoyed the pure, healthy and tasty spring water.